Rareș Beșliu

on Wildlife Photography and the Breathtaking Landscapes of Romania

“I fell in love, head over heels, with wildlife photography. It had all started as a whim and, before I knew it, my hobby turned into the most important thing in my life.”
This never-ending love is a faithful companion in Rares Besliu’s life. Photography was always an integral part of his essence, but it wasn't until a certain moment that it became his purpose. It happened when, through his lens, he was able to perceive the beauty of the Romanian mountains and managed to appreciate the Danube Delta and its incredibly busy life from early spring to late autumn.
After studying Photography in Bucharest, Rares later moved to New York, a place that taught him that photography was more than just theory. It was about mastering a unique style, uncovering its secrets, and ultimately creating magic. Amidst the challenges of the pandemic, Rares, a full-time entrepreneur, found solace in his passion for photography. This marked the beginning of an exhilarating journey into the heart of nature. Exploring the breathtaking landscapes of Romania, he embarked on his inaugural photographic project: Dor de Viscri, a photo album that celebrates Romanian village life.

2023 was a transformative year for him, as he launched his second photo album, “emoții” (“feelings”), capturing in 300 pages the intense sensations he experienced amidst nature's wonders across the globe: from the singing birds of the Danube Delta and brown bears from the Carpathian Mountains, to puffins in the Faroe Islands, arctic terns from Iceland, flamingoes from Cuba, Canadian black squirrels, or even North Pole white bears.
His adventurous nature led him to embark on La NORD de cuvinte (NORTH of words) expeditions discovering the icy landscapes of the Svalbard Archipelago, Greenland, Iceland, and Churchill, Canada. The primary mission of these expeditions was to document polar bears and their natural habitat while witnessing firsthand the impact of climate change on the environment.
Rares was awarded the winning prize of the 2023 London Photography Awards in the Nature Photography category for his awe-inspiring and breathtaking photo titled “The Lava Elephant”. He recalls the moment he took the photo as “both unbelievable and ephemeral: for a few seconds the lava flow took the shape of an elephant! I blinked and it immediately turned into an abstract drawing but I had the chance to capture it. It made me feel like the luckiest guy on Earth as I saw it as a good omen!”

Through his “La NORD de cuvinte Association”, Rares aims to educate Romanians on climate change effects and to advocate for collective action through an inspiring platform that channels creative energy towards protecting both nature and our humanity. 
Thank you, Rares, for being a Climate Photography Catalyst and for igniting change through your lens!


Name: Rareș Beșliu

Company / Institution: La NORD de cuvinte/ NORTH of Words

Title: The classic title would be: Wildlife Photographer or President of NORTH of Words Association, but I like to describe myself as a catalyst for change and even more, a ”climate catalyst”.

Website: https://raresbesliu.com/ and https://lanord.ro/

LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rares-besliu-232ba585/

Country of origin: Romania

Country you currently live in: Romania

Your definition of Regeneration: The creative energy that makes me find new ways to help nature and human nature at the same time.

Main business challenge you face: Fundraising - even though my background is as an entrepreneur and salesperson, I don’t know how fundraising works and I need it more than ever.

Main driver that keeps you going: Echoes are what motivates me. The moments when I finally manage to gather around me people who believe in what I do and have the same goal.

The trait you are most proud of in yourself: It’s difficult to choose between ambition and consistency.

The trait you most value in others: Simplicity and authenticity.

Passions & little things that bring you joy: Everything related to art - music, movies, theater, books. And good food, especially if it’s also healthy.

The Inspirators who determined you to take the regenerative path:

Michael Jackson, the all-time greatest ambassador for nature, closely followed by Sir David Attenborough, then the wildlife photographers already active in environmental protection.

A starting point for companies or professionals that are beginning the regeneration journey: Don't get lost in the crowd who refuses to believe the obvious. “If you wanna make the world a better place/ Take a look at yourself and then make a change” (Michael Jackson, Man in the Mirror)

Most used and abused clichés in sustainability that bother you: Brands that claim to have permanently removed their carbon footprint.

An honest piece of advice for young people who lose hope: I was about to lose hope, too. People have disappointed me, but then I realized that animals are innocent. They don’t have a voice to tell us that we hurt them or tears to cry, so I decided to speak on their behalf and fight for them. Don’t give up on nature!

Books that had a great impact on you / Must-Reads for any regenerative professional: Maja Lunde’s books are mandatory.

Movies / Documentaries you would watch all over again: Moulin Rouge, La Casa de Papel (I just rewatched it for the third time).

Websites / Podcasts you visit frequently: News websites - not a day goes by without reading what is happening in the world.

Music that makes you (and your heart) sing: This is the hardest question. The first songs that came to my mind right now: "Mother of Earth" (Dave Gahan), ”Cantare è d’amore” (Amadeo Minghi), "The sound of silence” (Disturbed).

Places you travelled to that left a mark on you: Every place I have visited left a mark on me: North Pole, Greenland, Churchill (Canada), Scotland, Iceland…

Global Regenerative Voices you recommend us to follow:

Paul Nicklen

Trends in Regeneration we should keep an eye on: My newest initiative, called ”de la RObinet” (meaning ”from tap to table”). In Romania, no restaurant offers you free water, unlike more conscious countries. We need to change this!

Events we should attend / Best places for networking (online or offline):

Photo exhibitions - you’ll meet creative and open-minded people.

Impactful and relevant Sustainable Development or Regeneration courses or certifications: I don’t do things ”by the book”, but I follow other Inspirators such as EFdeN Association.

Reasons to feel optimistic about our future in 2030: More people will be aware of the climate change crisis.

Copyright: Rares Besliu

Reasons to feel pessimistic about our future in 2030: When money meets climate change, money always wins. For example, in Greenland, one of the most representative places for global warming, they are now building three new airports to increase tourism. Is this the future?!

Regenerative Leadership qualities much needed today: To become a giver - give without asking for something in return, the way nature does with us. Do things without thinking about the profit or asking ” What’s in it for me?”.

The Inspirator you are endorsing for a future edition is:

Claudiu Butacu, EFdeN

The quote that inspires you:

"We are the first generation to feel the effect of climate change and the last generation who can do something about it." (Barack Obama)

Your quote that will inspire us:



Jeremy Whelehan


Patty Krawec