Keith Jones

on Design for Good


“You and I are living at the greatest moment, during the greatest time in all of history. The world and our ability to connect, learn, grow, and ultimately make a positive impact have never been experienced like this. Your life's work is in discovering who you are, your superpower and using it to redefine the future. I can't wait to see what you create and who you become.”

As a country kid who grew up on a farm, Keith Jones learned that everything in life has something to teach us. When he grew a bit older, he found success and passion in two somewhat opposing fields: hockey and art.

He is now applying his creative thinking, patience, teamwork and leadership skills on a social scale. As a TEDx speaker, he regularly gives talks on Design For Good, Community Leadership, and Designing The Future. As a brand and innovation design consultant for his agency, & Good Company, he uses design thinking to make the world better. No wonder he believes that “every experience influences who you are and your perspective on the world. And if everyone finds their one thing, we can change the outcome of everything”. He found his "one thing": donating free brand and creative services to some of the most innovative and impactful charities in Canada.

Keith drove across the country with his partner, Vickie, to help nonprofits and charities with their branding. With 13 initiatives, 50+ volunteer creatives and almost 20,000 km on the road, the self-funded 🚐 The Brandvan harnesses the power of design for good.

The sticky notes on his studio wall that guide him through his life journey are from Don Miguel Ruiz’s book, The Four Agreements:
(1) Be impeccable with your word;
(2) Don’t take anything personally;
(3) Don’t make assumptions;
(4) Always do your best.

This is probably why he defines sustainability as balance (“the avoidance of negative impact or the full replacement of any taken resources”) and regeneration as addition (“the purpose of existing to add value and create a better existence than our current reality”).

No matter the concept, Keith Jones know that cross-pollination is the future for everything!  

Thank you, Keith, for being a Good Companion!


Name: Keith Jones

Company / Institution: & Good Company

Title: Principal, Chief Creative Officer

Website: ; 

LinkedIn profile:

Country of origin: Canada

Country you currently live in: Canada

Your personal definition of Sustainability:

It's simple...

Currently, we are in SUBTRACTION: Our current system is based on the extraction of resources (labour, time, energy, natural materials) with no thought or consequences of our impact. 

Sustainability is BALANCE. This is the avoidance of negative impact or the full replacement of any taken resources (in real time not in an imaginary possible future).

Regeneration is ADDITION: The purpose of existing is to add value and create a better existence than our current reality.

Main business challenge you face: Mindset. 

Both individuals and institutional organizations have a fixed mindset in their company direction and how they function within society. Focused (sometimes solely) on net gains and financial growth. This results in the status quo and missed opportunities for growth in all aspects.

Main driver that keeps you going: The belief that each one of us has the power to make a positive impact on the future. The ideas and principles I have been shaping for my life and my work have become even more important when I became a new father. 

The trait you are most proud of in yourself: My creative vision. I am lucky that I have a mixed left and right brain perspective on everything. Creative and imaginative but rooted in logic and functionality.

The trait you most value in others: Positive, growth-minded action. 

Passions & little things that bring you joy: I love diving into an inspirational book, playing sports, and being outdoors. 

The #inspirators who determined you to take the sustainability path:

There are a handful of individuals that have inspired me.

My partner, Vickie Hsieh, is my biggest cheerleader / co-creator, and I wouldn't be here without her.

My good friend, Sara Saso, has mentored me on my path to doing good.

A hint or starting point for companies or professionals that are taking the first steps in the sustainability journey:

I once saw David Suzuki speak. During Q&A, an audience member asked: “The world is so messed up, it's overwhelming. I don't know where to start.”

He then began to list all of the ways society, and the planet are broken and in trouble.

Suzuki’s response: “Pick one thing - just one thing that you are drawn to and needs your attention. Focus on that.” I believe if everyone finds their one thing, we can change the outcome of everything.

Most used and abused clichés in sustainability that bother you:

Organizations that build marketing campaigns, taglines or projects that scream the words 'Good' or 'Doing Good' - ut actually haven't done anything. And at times, do much harm (social washing at its core).

An honest piece of advice for young people who lose hope:

You and I are living at the greatest moment, during the greatest time in all of history. The world and our ability to connect, learn, grow, and ultimately make a positive impact have never been experienced like this. Your life's work is in discovering who you are, your superpower and using it to redefine the future. I can't wait to see what you create and who you become.

Books that had a major impact on you:

The 4 Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz is a short, inspiring, imperative read. I pick this book up once a year to help reinforce the habits of who I am and who I should be.

Must-reads for any Sustainability professional:

The Green Imperative by Victor Papanek changed my life. A random discovery at a university library 20 years ago planted the seed for the work I do today.

Movies / Documentaries you would watch all over again:

I don't watch a lot of TV, and when I do, it's to zone out. Some of my all-time favourites are Punch Drunk Love, Shawshank Redemption, Pulp Fiction and Jaws. Classics are classics for a reason.

Blogs / Websites / Podcasts etc. you visit frequently:

My tastes and inspiration are always changing.

  • Rich Roll has an amazing podcast.

  • Unmistakable Creative shares some very diverse stories.

  • How I Built This with Guy Raz is great for company building.

Music that makes you (and your heart) sing:

I listen to everything and used to be a huge music nerd. The classics are classics for a reason here as well (Beatles, Beach Boys, Elvis...), but I'm also into poppy electronic stuff when I am working (Polo & Pan, Sault, Mac Miller).

Places you travelled to that left a mark on you: Every experience in life influences who you are and your perspective on the world. My partner Vickie and I drove across Canada with our Brandvan charity. Helping nonprofits and charities with their branding. What an unreal experience!

Global Sustainability Voices you recommend us to follow:

I love systems thinking and just discovered Jason Hickel. He's presenting interesting concepts in his books and to government organizations around the concept of 'de-growth'.

I'm also currently reading Assaad Razzouk’s book, Saving the Planet Without the Bullshit. It's straight up, to the point and cuts through the noise. 

Trends in Sustainability we should keep an eye on: Innovation. The solutions we will use to reshape the future haven't been invented yet or are just starting to catch on. Clean hydrogen (when tech catches up), plant-based packaging (when regulation catches up), actual recycling (talk about ultimate greenwashing), and regeneration. 

Best places for business networking (online or offline): Be active in the spaces that your people are in. Seth Godin says it best: 'people like us do things like this'. The future is micro-communities.

Events we should attend: I'll be speaking at the Sustainable Brands annual event this October. People, planet and profit are coming together.

Associations, business clubs, tribes you belong to – and why: I have a few social media groups I am part of. But nothing serious. I am a builder and focus on what is and what is next.

Reasons to feel optimistic about our future in 2030:

The interconnectedness of all human beings on a global level has never before been this strong. The individual awakening to the truths, realities and impacts of our actions will help us move past local tribalism and into the greatest collective movements our species has ever seen.

Reasons to feel pessimistic about our future in 2030:

The construct of money has brainwashed an entire species of animals into their potential destruction. And is leading to the extinction of imperative life forms on all levels within their shared ecosystem.

Regenerative Leadership qualities much needed today: Non-linear approaches by individuals not trained in the sector will add new perspectives and solutions to the experts hyper-focused on their industry. Cross-pollination is the future for everything.  

Quote that inspires you:

"We make money to buy things that will distract us from having to work."

Your own quote that will inspire us:


Inez Aponte


Teddie Potter