Jyoti Ma

on being a Grandmother Vision Keeper and protecting the Sacred Territories

“Let’s move towards the heart. Let’s ascend and become the human beings we have come here to be. Are we going to step into the new dawn?”

Jyoti Ma stands up for bringing unity to the planet by facilitating the emergence of alliances between the guardians of indigenous culture, traditional medicine ways and the business realm. Her devotion to Life is crystal clear: “Earth’s sacred territories are like acupuncture points all over her body. We need to keep these breathing places vibrant and cared for!”

Jyoti is an internationally renowned spiritual teacher. She has cultivated projects that create ways of life that honor the Earth and all peoples. As the Grandmother Vision Keeper of the Center for Sacred Studies, she co-founded the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers, the Unity Concert and Kayumari with spiritual communities both in America and Europe. Jyoti serves as a delegate of the Mother Earth Delegation of the United Indigenous Nations, working to protect global Sacred Territories and the Original Peoples.

The Fountain Earth is the culmination of her mission to restore an economic model based on reciprocity and collaboration guided by Nature and the Sacred. A system truly aligned with the genuine love for the Earth and the whole of life guided by the ancestral wisdom, relationships with Elders and spiritual leaders from many nations such as the Four Nations of the Sierra Nevada, Otomi-Toltec, Lakota, Ezza Peoples of Nigeria, and Mohawk.

The original caretakers of Mother Earth, the indigenous peoples, have inherited Natural Intelligence and, according to Grandmothers such as Jyoti, the key to this magic realm is “just showing up” to life. Simply sit with indigenous peoples and elders. Learn from them instead of being guided by a Western mindset of figuring out what to take from them. Appreciate the diversity and value of their wisdom. Nature, indigenous wisdom, and prophecy can be powerful guides: “We are so disconnected from this loving Earth that we need to reconnect to find ourselves again.”
What if we followed Jyoti’s guidance and tackled the climate emergency with the softness and grace of a grandmother? What if we tried to braid, just like her, the sacred and the pragmatic altogether, paving the way towards the fulfilment of the great prophecies that speak about this new dawn?
Read Jyoti Ma’s answers for Inspirators and discover why and how nature works in cycles: “Nature illuminates a path where you understand that whatever you need at this moment is going to be there. You let go of the need to possess. You stay in the current moment with life and allow its rhythm to move you. You move with sacredness. You move with mindfulness. You start to trust life again.”

Thank you, Jyoti, for being a Grandmother Vision Keeper!


Name: Jyoti Ma

Company / Institution:

Center for Sacred Studies; The International Spiritual Community of Kayumari; The Fountain For Natural Order Of Our Existence (Co-Founder)

Delegate of The Mother Earth Delegation of the United Original Nations

Title: Grandmother Vision Keeper

Website: https://thefountain.earth ; https://centerforsacredstudies.org

LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jyoti-ma-5b82b819/

Country of origin: USA

Country you currently live in: USA

Your personal definition of Regeneration: Restoration of Earth’s unique principles and protocols to an original way of life.

Main business challenge you face: Time and funding.

Main driver that keeps you going: Being dedicated to my grandchildren and the healing of Mother Earth.

The trait you are most proud of in yourself: Devotion and deep listening.

The trait you most value in others: Patience and Compassion.

Passions & little things that bring you joy: Inspiration prayer brings good direction and united efforts in this walk bring me joy!

The #inspirators who determined you to take the regenerative path: I believe it is a calling!

A hint or starting point for companies or professionals that are taking the first steps in the regeneration journey: We offer training to help all come across the bridge from a Western approach to life to one based on the original principles of a way of life where all life is sacred.

Most used and abused clichés in sustainability that bother you: When someone is saying they are carrying a way based on Mother Law which is collaborative and governs in a circle, but they are only sharing the view of that world while still operating a Western approach that is based on a hierarchical form.

An honest piece of advice for young people who lose hope:

Look within! Listen to your dreams! Your uniqueness is your gift.

Books that had a great impact on you:

  • Memories, Dreams, Reflections by Carl Jung

  • The Expected One series by Kathleen McGowan

  • The Mother by Sri Aurobindo

Must-reads for any regenerative professional:

Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall-Kimmerer

Movies or Documentaries you would watch all over again: Fantastic Fungi

Music that makes you (and your heart) sing: Spiritual chants from many nations!

Places you travelled to that left a mark on you: Nepal, Colombia, Peru, Brazil, India.

Global Regenerative Voices you recommend us to follow:

Alexis Bunten (Yup'ik) - Co-director of Indigeneity, Bioneers

Trends in Regeneration we should keep an eye on: Those that are building regeneration projects through relations with the original peoples in the regions.

Events we should attend: Mother Earth Delegation online prayer calls on the third Saturday of each month.

Associations, business clubs, tribes you belong to – and why: Mother Earth Delegation.

Sustainable Development or Regeneration courses, trainings, or certifications that really teach us how to have an impact: (re)biz and The Fountain Allyship training.

Reasons to feel optimistic about our future in 2030: More and more are awakening to the need to collaborate and follow the instructions of the Earth given by her native peoples!

Reasons to feel pessimistic about our future in 2030: There are many still sleeping, lost in their comforts and unable to see the challenges of so many!

Regenerative Leadership qualities much needed today: Ability to listen. Ability to collaborate. Ability to hold focus through inspired creativity.

How you are an Inspirator to yourself: I am ready to listen and collaborate. I embrace diversity as a must in what we are collectively weaving.

The Inspirator you are endorsing for a future edition of the newsletter is:

Ra James, (re)biz

The quote that inspires you:

“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there!" (Rumi)

Your own quote that will inspire us:


Kim Cameron


Ronni Abergel