Claudia Guerreiro

on Conscious Marketing

Conscious Marketing is like “planting a seed and taking your time to help it grow, rather than rushing to get the fruit.”

Once lost in old-school marketing's money-driven world, Claudia Guerreiro experienced burnout and almost gave up her career due to the aching feeling of “I don’t fit in!” How could she fit in in this "growth at all costs" mentality, which didn't align with her values?

Even though her surname translates to "Warrior" in English, she always preferred to see herself as embodying the qualities of a “Peaceful Warrior.” She never wanted to use traditional, aggressive tactics or hurt people's feelings to make a sale. After this realization, she made a choice: to change the industry from within.

Well known for her determination and resilience, Claudia found the greatest joy in being a community builder, leveraging her natural ability to connect with people from all walks of life. Her heart now lies in the Conscious Marketing Movement, the platform she created for bringing purpose-driven entrepreneurs and conscious marketers together. She helps entrepreneurs and solopreneurs to take the leap in conscious marketing and truly achieve positive impact.

Marketers have so much influence: “We can shape how people see the world, what they do, and what they buy. But there's a bigger question: Are we really using that power for good? I don't believe we are.”

To Claudia, it’s puzzling to see how organizations say they have their values in order, but they instantly tend to abandon them when it comes to marketing: “They revert to fear-based strategies, fake scarcity, or exaggerated claims. It's high time for a fresh and more ethical way of marketing to take centre stage.” When we call people "consumers", it seems like “they're just waiting to be fed, which leads us to think about how we can make them eat more, rather than what they might want to do for themselves.” The term “consumer” impairs our ability to think creatively about how to serve our communities better.

Regeneration is an opportunity to do marketing differently. Instead of desperately chasing “growth”, it's about being aware, trustworthy, responsible, transparent and, of course, ethical: “As humans, we crave genuine connections. It's a fundamental part of our nature. But strangely, we forgot this when it comes to marketing. We're taught that shameless self-promotion, tapping into our fears, and creating fake scarcity are the only ways to go.”

Allow yourself to rethink marketing and take the time to savor this ethical seed. Read Claudia's answers for Inspirators and discover how you can be a positive force for rethinking push marketing in favour of pull marketing through storytelling, value-driven work and communities of humans who share your ethics!

Thank you, Claudia, for being a Conscious Marketer!


Name: Claudia Guerreiro

Company / Institution: Conscious Marketing Movement

Title: Founder


LinkedIn profile:

Country of origin: Portugal

Country you currently live in: Germany (but I also lived in the U.K., France, Cambodia, Singapore, and Spain.)

Your definition of Regeneration: I see "regeneration" as a way to do marketing differently. Instead of chasing “growth at all costs”, it's about being conscious in our marketing. As humans, we crave genuine connections. It's a fundamental part of our nature. But strangely, we forgot this when it comes to marketing. We're taught that shameless self-promotion, tapping into our fears, and creating fake scarcity are the only ways to go.

Conscious Marketing, though, is more like planting a seed and taking your time to help it grow, rather than rushing to get the fruit.

Main business challenge you face: I had been working in marketing for several years, and at one point, I experienced burnout and almost gave up my career. I felt like I did not fit in. The reason for this was the traditional approach to marketing – the "growth at all costs" mentality, which didn't align with my values.

So yes, I realized that I didn't like the idea of using traditional, aggressive tactics or hurting people's feelings to make a sale. Instead of quitting, I made a choice to change the industry from within (crazy, I know!).

I started this journey in 2022, and I'm incredibly happy with the impact I've been able to make. But I don't have all the answers, and I don't want to do it alone. I believe it's something we all need to work on together, which is why I created the Conscious Marketing Movement.

Main driver that keeps you going: We live in a time when we're overloaded with information and endless stuff to buy. Ads are everywhere, bombarding us with manipulative tactics to spend our money.

But here's the thing: as we become increasingly immune to marketing tactics, there's a growing temptation to employ psychological tricks that prey on our insecurities and fears. This blurs the line between effective promotion and dehumanizing tactics…

When we call people "consumers", it makes them seem like they're just waiting to be fed. This makes us think about how we can make them eat more, rather than what they might actually want to do for themselves. So the term “consumer” impairs our ability to think creatively about how to serve our communities better.

And, as marketers, we have a lot of influence. We can shape how people see the world, what they do, and what they buy. But there's a bigger question: Are we using that power for good? I don't believe we are. That’s why I’ve created the Conscious Marketing Movement. It’s a global community shaping the future of marketing for a better tomorrow.

The trait you are most proud of in yourself: My surname translates to "Warrior" in English, but I'd like to think of myself as embodying the qualities of a peaceful warrior. I'm known for my determination and resilience. I find great joy in being a community builder because it allows me to leverage my natural ability to connect with people from all walks of life. It's truly rewarding to be the founder of a community that is continually growing, evolving, and mutually learning from one another.

The trait you most value in others: I'd say that I really value when people are reliable. It makes me feel safe and less alone when I know I can depend on them for help, and they're there for not only me but also for others.

Passions & little things that bring you joy: I enjoy listening to Lo-Fi music, going for peaceful walks with my dog in nature, playing the piano, and colouring mandalas.

A starting point for companies or professionals that are beginning the regeneration journey: If you're just getting started in the field of impact, here are some words of wisdom to keep in mind:

1. It's fine to be nervous! This is a new field with a lot of unknowns, and it can be intimidating to jump into something so unknown.

2. Think of yourself as a "maker." That's what you do every day: You make things happen. And when we make things happen in ways that benefit others, that's when we make an impact - and that's when our lives become meaningful and fulfilling.

3. Don't feel like there's only one way to make an impact - find what works best for YOU! I've found that using the principles of Ikigai is a great way to get started with making a difference. In essence, Ikigai is about discovering the intersection of what you love, what you're good at, what the world needs, and what you can be paid for. It's like a blueprint for finding your calling or your reason for being.

Most used and abused clichés in sustainability that bother you: What bothers me most is the persistence of aggressive marketing tactics within purpose-driven businesses and nonprofits. It's puzzling that even when these organizations have their values in order, they tend to abandon them when it comes to marketing. They revert to fear-based strategies, fake scarcity, exaggerated claims, and other approaches.

It's high time for a fresh and more ethical way of marketing to take centre stage. You've seen those phrases: "Don't miss out", "limited offer", or "only a few left". They're designed to tap into our anxieties and push us towards impulsive purchases!

An honest piece of advice for young people who lose hope: Instead of spending too much time on your mobile device constantly consuming content that brings you down, try to spend more time in nature. Being in nature can reconnect you with the fundamental reasons we exist – to protect, coexist with, and care for the natural world that surrounds us. Break free from the toxic world of social media.

Books that had a great impact on you / Must-Reads for any regenerative professional:

One book that greatly influenced me is Conscious Marketing: How to Create an Awesome Business with a New Approach to Marketing by Carolyn Tate.

Movies / Documentaries you would watch all over again: I really liked 'The Social Dilemma’. It’s a documentary-drama hybrid that explores the dangerous human impact of social networking, with tech experts sounding the alarm on their creations.

Websites / Podcasts you visit frequently:

One podcast that greatly influenced my journey as a founder is Venturing Women by Darya Kamkalova and her team. You can listen here.

This podcast serves as a valuable source of motivation, inspiration, and guidance for female founders in Europe and those considering entrepreneurship. My top choice among their episodes is #5: "Social entrepreneurship, self-discovery, and measuring impact with Alexandra Pastollnigg."

Music that makes you (and your heart) sing: There's a song that really touched me while I was growing up, and that's 'Beautiful' by Christina Aguilera, released in 2002. In 2022, she created a new version of the music video to reflect the current times. You can watch it here.

Places you travelled to that left a mark on you: I lived in Southeast Asia for almost 9 years, mainly in Cambodia and Singapore. Their unique cultures, traditions, languages, and ways of thinking have become a part of me.

Global Regenerative Voices you recommend us to follow:

I recommend keeping an eye on Alexis Eyre and Paul Randle. I'm excited to read their book Sustainable Marketing. I also suggest paying attention to Michelle Carvill and Gemma Butler. I'm looking forward to reading their book Can Marketing Save The Planet?

Trends in Regeneration we should keep an eye on: In my field, I'm really happy to see more and more people talking about changing how we do marketing. It's so cool to see groups like Clean Creatives, Humane Marketing, Marketing For Hippies, and Creatives For Climate doing excellent work alongside the Conscious Marketing Movement!

Events we should attend / Best places for networking (online or offline):

I highly recommend exploring the Conscious Marketing Movement. We offer a 7-day free trial, and all our events are held virtually, creating a global community experience. You can join us at 10 AM CET, 3 PM CET, or 6 PM CET. Sign up for Masterclasses, panels, Q&As, and other events centred on connection, including 1:1 coffee meetings, collective coffees, and coworking. In our commitment to creating a positive impact, the Conscious Marketing Movement proudly donates 1% of our annual sales (not just profits) to 1% For The Planet. We're also working hard to become Climate Neutral Certified by 2025 and achieve B-Corp status by 2027.

Regenerative Leadership qualities much needed today: One essential quality is being more 'human.' In a world filled with technology and data, it means remembering that there are real people behind it all. Treat them with kindness and empathy, like you would with a friend. This helps build genuine connections that make life better for everyone involved.

The quote that inspires you:

"If you can dream it, you can do it!" (Walt Disney)

Your quote that will inspire us:


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Jeremy Whelehan