Ankita Vijayvergiya

on Climate Reality


A sanskrit verse from the Bhagwat Geeta says:

“कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन”

“Perform your duty, without any expectation of the fruits/results.”

For Ankita Vijayvergiya, it has a very profound meaning: it reflects why every single day she shows up as her most dedicated self to fulfil her mission and passion, which lies in establishing and growing new solutions to address Climate Change. 

In 2022, she was featured by LinkedIn News India as a Top Green Voice. When she chose to make Climate her career, the only question she asked herself was “Why not now?” Obviously, external doubt and rejection followed: “You are making a financially poor decision, are you sure?” This journey and decision, however, taught Ankita so much about ourselves - as human society, and about the only place we can call home: Mother Earth. She implemented her own piece of advice: "Start small, but start now!"

After co-founding NatureHealers Climate Solutions, she realized that so many people are willing to give their time and efforts to advance Climate Action, looking for nothing in return. That’s when the next big question appeared: “What if we could actually make this a viable career for them?”

Currently a Climate Reality Leader, Ankita started building BillionCarbon. Their goal is crystal clear: they want to empower 1 Billion tons of CO2e mitigation and 100,000 Climate jobs by 2030.

How? They are Nutrient Mining from biodegradable wet waste and converting it to liquid bio-fertiliser. Worldwide soil degradation has become a major issue. On the other hand, untreated biodegradable waste is one of the main causes of Greenhouse gas emissions. BillionCarbon Biowaste Nutrient Mining (BBNM) makes it able to process and make the waste disappear within 3 days - without any waste products, and with no external energy usage. Innovation at its best:

“We are a part of nature and have been forever. When we try to build in sync with nature, we get the best out of us. Bridges stronger and more sustainable than concrete.”

Read Ankita Vijayvergiya’s answers for #inspirators, follow her steps, chase your dreams and move from building concrete jungle to building with nature!

Thank you, Ankita, for being a Climate Reality Leader!


Name: Ankita Vijayvergiya

Company / Institution: BillionCarbon

Title: Co-founder, CEO


LinkedIn profile:

Country of origin: India

Country you currently live in: India

Your personal definition of Regeneration: Restore to its original natural glory, so that it can help humanity in return.

Main business challenge you face: We work in Nutrient mining from biodegradable waste, to convert it into liquid bio-fertiliser. The main challenge is to encourage and get farmers to use organic and natural practices rather than chemical ones. Farmers in India are mostly worried about their yields and quick returns, so unless we provide that to them, any bio-fertiliser cannot be adopted at a large scale.

Main driver that keeps you going: The current impact and potential impact that we can create – and the lives we can impact and change.

The trait you are most proud of in yourself: Perseverance.

The trait you most value in others: Passion and hard work.

Passions & little things that bring you joy: Seeing change happen organically and spontaneously. Great weather. Great food. Time with family. Mangoes.

The #inspirators who determined you to take the regenerative path:

  • Divya Nawale

  • Anmol Jaggi

A hint or starting point for companies or professionals that are taking the first steps in the regeneration journey: Start small, but start now!

Most used and abused clichés about sustainability that bother you:

That sustainability is a trend. That someone else is doing enough, so we can sit on our couch and chill. That this one little indulgence won’t make a difference.

An honest piece of advice for young people who lose hope:

A sanskrit verse from the Bhagwat Geeta:

“कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन”.

Which translates to: “Perform your duty, without any expectation of the fruits/results.”

This has deep meanings. For me, it denotes why every day I try to give my best and dedicated self to the battle I have chosen.

Books that had a major impact on you:

Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari - showed me how we are just a small piece in the puzzle and not the centre of the universe. We are highly adaptable and can solve any challenges that we take on.

Regenesis by George Monbiot (on Soil regeneration) - showed me how we don’t yet know the least about even the humble soil under our feet that gives us so much. The Theory of soil is merely 5 years old, and we boast to ourselves about how advanced of civilization we are.

Lots and lots of articles and documentaries on lots and lots of things I have read/ seen.

Must-reads for any Regenerative professional: Have an open mind, and pick up any Climate/regeneration-related book or article that appeals to you. Chances are, you will learn something new. Not the same books and topics appeal to all.

Movies / Documentaries you would watch all over again: Planet Earth, Frozen Planet, My Octopus Teacher.

Blogs / Websites / Podcasts etc. you visit frequently: Project Drawdown, Sylvera.

Music that makes you (and your heart) sing: Many kinds – depending on my mood.

Places you travelled to that left a mark on you: Bhutan – showing me that even in the modern world, humans can live in harmony with nature and thrive.

Global Regenerative Voices you recommend us to follow:

  • Stephen Fern

  • Nimal Raghavan

  • Chetan Singh Solanki

  • Arundhati Kumar

Trends in Regeneration we should keep an eye on: We, as a society, are learning new things every day. Regeneration of the soil and of the ocean is definitely worth keeping an eye on.

Best places for business networking (online or offline): Susmafia community in India, GITEX Impact Dubai, and follow the Top Green Voices on Linkedin.

Sustainable Development or Regeneration courses, trainings, or certifications that really teach us how to have an impact: – courses that are relevant for you, especially the flagship course.

Reasons to feel optimistic about our future in 2030: If we start focusing on the only thing that’s important for us right now - working towards a climate positive future in whatever capacity possible - then we are on the right track.

Reasons to feel pessimistic about our future in 2030: We need All hands on deck. Every job is a Climate job and should feel like one. No one is exempt from this duty.

Regenerative Leadership qualities much needed today: Clear thinking on the Why’s. Picking the right problems to solve. Inspiring others to join the fight.

The #inspirator you are endorsing for a future edition of the newsletter is:

  • Arundhati Kumar

  • Chaitsi Ahuja

  • Divya Nawale

Quote that inspires you: 

“There’s no Planet B!”

Your own quote that will inspire us:


Jill Heinerth


Jessica Marati Radparvar