Abumbi Prudence

on Cultivating the Spirit of Ndanifor

How can we cultivate the economy of love through the Spirit of Ndanifor?

Ndanifor, an African word meaning “the rich mystery of the future that grows out of the Earth”, is the ecology of the spirit of the Bafut people, a magic blend of two words: “Nifor - Royalty”, the life force rooted in the heart of Mother Earth, and “Nda - People’s Shrine”, the wisdom of the elders who once lived in complete harmony with nature.

Bafut knows how to nourish their community by respecting the soil and promoting the spirit of togetherness. It’s what connects them to divinity and their ancestors. In one of his books, the beloved naturalist Gerald Durrell paints a wonderful picture of his expedition to Cameroon, where he became friends with the Fon of Bafut and was treated with reverence by his tribe.

Princess Abumbi Prudence is a change maker from the Bafut Royal Palace of the Northwest region in Cameroon who is making her ancestors proud by being a torchbearer of Indigenous wisdom: “A community based on togetherness: this is true solidarity, the economy of love no one can buy.”

As the national coordinator of Better World Cameroon initiated by the visionary Konkankoh Joshua, Abumbi is coordinating the reconstruction of the eco-village that was burned down many years ago. Its recreation is vital, as Bafut needs to preserve the warmth of its community. To them, love is the purest sense of healing in the world. Abumbi envisions a world where Africa has a stronger presence, “where youth have a platform to share their ideas and sell their myriad of talents, where a voice is given to the voiceless women and girls.”

In the intergenerational program she coordinates, Abumbi teaches women and adolescents about permaculture and other regenerative agricultural skills. She aspires to help the world open up and be receptive to the knowledge of this beautiful community living in tune with nature as an economic model of shifting from aid to food sovereignty, ecological agriculture, and regenerative business by making civil society part of the process. Indigenous elders share their wisdom and transfer traditional farming practices and customs: “In our culture, it is how we encounter each other in the eyes, in the heart and the collective soul that enables us to work and care for each other.”

Abumbi believes great people are made out of great habits: “Your habits form your habitat. Bad habits can be destroyed by the continuous practice of what is right.” Although life can often feel like a solitary journey, she dares you to always trust God: “The sensation of isolation can be overwhelming making you question the value of your efforts and the worthiness of your goals. Never let your dreams end at the level of imagination!”

Read Abumbi Prudence’s answers for Inspirators and be part of the economy of love!

Thank you, Abumbi, for being an Indigenous Wisdom Torch Bearer!


Name: Abumbi Prudence

Company / Institution: Better World Cameroon

Title: National Coordinator; African Wisdom Torch Bearer; Activist; Princess and Change Maker from the Bafut Royal Palace of the Northwest region in Cameroon

Website: https://betterworld-cameroon.com/

LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/abumbi-prudence-6b7575267/

Country of origin: Cameroon

Country you currently live in: Cameroon

Your definition of Regeneration: Transforming a situation, something or someone by using a new and better idea.

Main business challenge you face: Fundraising. Trust and understanding.

Main driver that keeps you going: My passion to serve humanity while fulfilling the purpose God gave me through positive energy that keeps me going!

The trait you are most proud of in yourself: I am who I am without comparing myself with anyone. I see myself as God's unique creation, authentic in its own ways!

The traits you most value in others: Determination, effort, sacrifice, commitment, loyalty, honesty, trust, kindness, support, understanding, being outspoken, appreciation.

Passions & little things that bring you joy: I love serving humanity while envisioning a world where Africa has a voice and youth have a platform to share their ideas and a market to sell their talents.

Singing. Cooking. Dancing. Swimming. Listening to Gospel music. Reading the Bible.

The Inspirators who determined you to take the regenerative path:

My society. My community. The youth who are facing many challenges. Africa, my continent. The crisis this world is facing. The fast-changing system between the Indigenous and modern world.

Most used and abused clichés in sustainability that bother you:

Not clichés, but situations: human rights violations, gender inequality, not respecting children's rights, censorship of freedom of speech, racism.

An honest piece of advice for young people who lose hope:

Never lose hope! Hold on to it, keep on dreaming, because as long as we are alive, we have all the opportunities to change our lives, our society, and our people.

Books that had a great impact on you / Must-Reads for any regenerative professional:

Any books on the Indigenous and modern journey, and change as a powerful instrument of healing and restoring hope.

Movies / Documentaries you would watch all over again: Documentaries on Africa and understanding life.

Websites / Podcasts you visit frequently: Seven Generations Lab, Indigenous and Modern, YXY, Bafut Palace.

Music that makes you (and your heart) sing: Gospel and traditional music.

Places you travelled to that left a mark on you: Waza National Park, Bafut Ecovillage.

Global Regenerative Voices you recommend us to follow:

Seven Generations Lab, Indigenous and Modern, YXY, Beter World Cameroon, Bafut Ecovillage.

Trends in Regeneration we should keep an eye on: Human rights, children's rights advocacy, peace advocacy.

Events we should attend / Best places for networking (online or offline): Seven Generations Lab, Indigenous and Modern, YXY, Better World Cameroon.

Regenerative Leadership qualities much needed today: Good communication, problem solving abilities, resilience and ability to handle pressure, training skills.

Your quote that will inspire us:



Izzy Fenwick


Kim Langbecker